Toyota Yaris: Engine & Hybrid System
PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE HINT: Use the table below to help determine the cause of problem symptoms. If multiple suspected areas are listed, the potential causes of the symptoms are listed in order of probability in the "Suspected Area" column of the table...
Other information:
REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL AIR DUCT ASSEMBLY (a) Install the air duct assembly with the 2 nuts.
(b) Install the front panel silencer as shown in the illustration.
(c) Install the 3 retainers. 2. INSTALL NO. 1 COOLER THERMISTOR Click here
DESCRIPTION In this circuit, the combination meter assembly receives engine coolant temperature signals from the ECM via CAN communication. The combination meter assembly displays an engine coolant temperature warning based on the data received from the ECM...
No special break-in is necessary, but a few precautions in the first 600
miles (1,000 km) may add to the performance, economy, and life of
the vehicle.
Do not race the engine.
Do not maintain one constant speed, either slow or fast, for a long
period of time.
Do not drive constantly at full-throttle or high engine rpm for
extended periods of time.
Avoid unnecessary hard stops.
Avoid full-throttle starts.
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